Monday, March 16, 2020

Effective Python Exercise Answer: Virtual Environments and Modules

Let's get to answering the exercise problems from the last post.

Step 1: Virtual Environments

We'll start off with creating our projects folder:
mkdir projects
cd projects/
And after that we can create myproject using venv:
python3 -m venv myproject
cd myproject/
We can then activate our new virtual environment by doing this:
source bin/activate
Once we're in the virtual environment, we can install Flask and PyTest:
python3 -m pip install flask
python3 -m pip install pytest
And at this point if we run:
python3 -m pip list
We'll get an output that looks something like this:
Package            Version
------------------ -------
attrs              19.3.0 
Click              7.0    
Flask              1.1.1  
importlib-metadata 1.5.0  
itsdangerous       1.1.0  
Jinja2             2.11.1 
MarkupSafe         1.1.1  
more-itertools     8.2.0  
packaging          20.3   
pip                18.1   
pkg-resources      0.0.0  
pluggy             0.13.1 
py                 1.8.1  
pyparsing          2.4.6  
pytest             5.3.5  
setuptools         40.8.0 
six                1.14.0 
wcwidth            0.1.8  
Werkzeug           1.0.0  
zipp               3.1.0  
Showing that we have Flask and PyTest (and their dependencies) installed. At this point we can run pip freeze and save the output into a requirements.txt file.
python3 -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
Now, let's see if our requirements.txt file works. We'll start by leaving our current virtual environment and leaving the myproject folder
cd ..
At this point we can use venv to create otherproject and activate it's virtual environment:
python3 -m venv otherproject
cd otherproject/
source bin/activate
If we were to use pip list and look at what's currently installed:
python3 -m pip list
We'll then see something like this:
Package       Version
------------- -------
pip           18.1   
pkg-resources 0.0.0  
setuptools    40.8.0 
Which is pretty bare bones. Let's pull over the requirements.txt file from myproject and use it to set up the virtual environment.
cp ../myproject/requirements.txt requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt 
At this point if we run:
python3 -m pip list
Then we should get a list that looks like the list from myproject:
Package            Version
------------------ -------
attrs              19.3.0 
Click              7.0    
Flask              1.1.1  
importlib-metadata 1.5.0  
itsdangerous       1.1.0  
Jinja2             2.11.1 
MarkupSafe         1.1.1  
more-itertools     8.2.0  
packaging          20.3   
pip                18.1   
pkg-resources      0.0.0  
pluggy             0.13.1 
py                 1.8.1  
pyparsing          2.4.6  
pytest             5.3.5  
setuptools         40.8.0 
six                1.14.0 
wcwidth            0.1.8  
Werkzeug           1.0.0  
zipp               3.1.0 

Step 2: Modules

Let's start out by moving back over to myproject:
cd ../myproject
source bin/activate
At this point we can create two folders, controllers and repositories:
mkdir controllers
mkdir repositories
Create a file that we'll use to fire off our little program:
And inside of both the controllers folder and the repositories folder we'll create an and a file.
cd controllers
cd ../repositories
At this point the modules are set up, and we can add code to the, controllers/, and repositories/ files like this:
from controllers import todo

print("In Main")

from repositories import todo as repo

def makeTodo(name: str):
    print("In controller")

def makeTodo(name: str):
    print("In repository")
    print(f"Made todo: {name}")

At which point if you run this from inside the myproject folder:
Then you'll get this output:
In Main
In controller
In repository
Made todo: Test
Which gives a small taste of how modules can be used to avoid naming collisions.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Effective Python Exercise: Virtual Environments and Modules

This week we covered the last chapter of the Effective Python book, chapter 10: Collaboration. There are two specific points from the chapter that I'd like to focus on for the exercises, which are virtual environments and modules. We'll go over the problem in two steps:

Exercise: Virtual Environments and Modules

Step 1: Virtual Environments

Within a folder called projects, use venv to create a folder called myproject with it's own virtual environment. Install Flask and PyTest into the environment. Use pip to create a requirements.txt file that reflects this environment setup. To verify that the requirements.txt file works as expected, back out and use venv to create an otherproject folder with its own virtual environment. Use the requirements.txt file previously created to set up the otherproject folder so that it has the exact same environment as the myproject folder.

Step 2: Modules

Returning back to the original myproject, set it up via modules to have a controllers module and a repositories module. In both the controllers module and the repositories module create a Create a, and have it call a function in the todo controller, which in turn calls a function in the todo repository.

The answer to this exercise can be found here.